Sexual Harassment Lawyer / Attorney in Los Angeles

Sexual Harassment Lawyer Los Angeles
With the help of a Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer, victims of sexual harassment in the workplace can sue employers who fail to address reported behavior adequately. If the court upholds your claim, you may receive compensation and punitive damages.
Harassment Lawyer Los Angeles
Get top harassment and sexual harassment Lawyer today!
What is legally considered harassment in California?
When sexual harassment in the workplace takes place in the form of quid pro quo harassment, it means employees are offered something in exchange for performing conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can also occur in the form of unwelcome sexual advances, comments or other actions that lead to a hostile or unsafe working environment.
A Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer can build a strong case for you if you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment and can help you win compensation for related financial losses, reputation damages or emotional distress. Sexual harassment attornies at the Law Offices of Matthew Rabban can also help you hold your employer accountable for violating California law.
Is an employer liable for harassment by coworkers?
What qualifies as employee harassment?
Who can file a sexual harassment lawsuit?
If you believe you have been illegally fired for reporting sexual harassment, a Los Angeles retaliation attorney can help prove you were wrongfully terminated. Sexual harassment lawyers at The Law Offices of Matthew Rabban can also help you file a claim and win compensation if you’re currently experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace or are negatively impacted by a hostile or dangerous work environment.