Wage & Hour Attorney Los Angeles – Unpaid Wages Lawyer

Wage & Hour Attorney Los Angeles
California employment laws have been put in place by the California state legislature to protect employees of unlawful employment practices such as non-payment of minimum-wage, overtime, meal and rest break violations, as well as paystub violations. The purpose of these laws is to help ensure employees are provided with safe working conditions and are compensated fairly and in accordance with all overtime laws.
Employees have a wide array of wage and hour rights that attempt to provide employees with safe and fair working conditions.
The core principles of state and federal laws safeguard employee salaries and protect against wrongful termination. Unfortunately, many workers are unaware of the specifics outlined in the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) and the California Labor Code. A qualified wage and hour attorney in Los Angeles can help you receive due compensation should an employer withhold an employee’s rightfully earned earnings.
Workers lose billions of dollars from wage theft every year. The experienced wage and hour lawyers at the Law Offices of Matthew Rabban are prepared to fight tooth and nail to ensure your unpaid wages are duly awarded. We don’t get paid until you do, so you can truly trust us to have your back.
Unpaid wages lawyer in Los Angeles
Hire a top attorney in wage hour & unpaid wages in Los Angeles
Wage Violations
What is California’s minimum wage law in 2022?
Despite unambiguous laws, minimum wage violations are still extremely common.
A 2017 study found that 17% of eligible low-wage workers were paid less than the minimum wage. If your employer fails to compensate you adequately, contact a Los Angeles wage and hour attorney to file a legal claim for damages. You can find additional information about the minimum wage on the California Department of Industrial Relations website.
How do I collect unpaid wages in California?
Though you can file a wage claim on your own with the Labor Commissioner’s Office, the process can be complicated and time-consuming to navigate. As a result, most workers find it easier to settle claims in court with the help of an experienced wage and hour attorney.
Can an employer fire me for reporting a wage & hour violation?
What is a meal break violation at work?
Meal breaks are not considered paid time; however, withholding breaks from employees violates California law and can result in monetary penalties. Employees can sign a waiver that adjusts the timing of meal breaks, but California law states meal breaks must be provided according to the number of consecutive hours worked. In other words, you have the right to a meal break if you work a minimum number of hours for a company and to multiple meal breaks if you reach a threshold of hours.
A wage and hour attorney can help you discern how many meal breaks you are entitled to and whether your employer has violated California law.
What is a break violation in California?
Provided the minimum number of working hours is met, it is against California law to deny employees rest breaks, to pressure employees to work or to instruct employees on their rest breaks or to cut rest breaks short.
If you’re being denied the rest breaks you deserve, you have a legal path forward toward compensation.
A wage and employment attorney can help you navigate through laws that pertain to rest breaks and help you get the compensation you deserve.
What are the penalties for meal and rest break violations in California?
Should you need to file an unpaid wage claim, contact an expert Los Angeles wage and hour attorney.